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Quantum Restorying: AI Questions to Expand Your Field of Possibility

Your STORY FILTER is why you need Enthinking!

99.9% of our enviornment we filter out. Makes you wonder

What if we asked AI to challenge our assumptions?

Here are five Quantum Restorying Questions we will explore in our three breakout sessions:

1️⃣ What is the hidden assumption behind my biggest challenge right now?

🔹 Story Filter Example: I once believed that for my work to be respected, it had to be complex. A single critique—calling my book McPostmodern—made me abandon my accessible, practical storytelling for dense, critical theory.

👉 But AI reflected back to me:
“You are defining your worth based on one person’s critique instead of your true impact.”

💡 Breakout Prompt #1 (15 min):
What outdated assumption is shaping your decisions? What 50 bits are you focusing on—and what are you filtering out?

2️⃣ If I could rewrite my story from the perspective of my future self, how would it change?

🔹 My future self told me: “David, your impact isn’t in proving you’re smart—it’s in helping people transform.

So, I asked AI:
👉 What are three possible futures if I change this belief?

1️⃣ Status Quo: Keep playing small, writing for a niche audience.
2️⃣ Heart-Story Expansion: Scale my impact by coaching entrepreneurs to Restory their lives.
3️⃣ Quantum Leap: Expand Enthinking globally, creating a movement that transforms how people see reality.

💡 Breakout Prompt #2 (12 min):
What does your future self want you to know? If you changed just ONE belief, how would your life and business transform?

3️⃣ What emotional themes are recurring in my storytelling, and how can I shift them?

🔹 Storytelling is frequency. The energy we bring to our story shapes whether people lean in—or tune out.

👉 Before, my storytelling theme was proving myself.
👉 After, my storytelling theme became empowering others.

💡 Breakout Prompt #3 (10 min):
What emotional theme runs through YOUR storytelling? Is it helping or hurting your business and life?

Collapsing the Old Wave Function & Expanding the Quantum Field

🌟 Heart-Stories collapse a different wave function than Head-Stories. 🌟

High-Vibrational Storytelling Feels Like:
 Resonance – People lean in and trust you.
 Ease – You don’t have to "sell"—people want what you offer.
 Authenticity – You’re not performing; you’re being YOU.

💡 AI Can Help You Collapse the Old Wave Function By:
🔹 Identifying where your energy is blocked
🔹 Suggesting alternative, expansive narratives
🔹 Helping you refine the emotional tone of your storytelling


❤️ Enthinking Practitioner Guide www ❤️

❤️ Enthinking Tool for more Brain Power ❤️


Enthinkment Circle centers around the work of Professor David Michael Boje and his exploration of "enthinkment," a term coined by his mentor, Louis Ralph Pondy. 
David Boje's (2025) A Field Guide to Enthinking from The Enthinkment Circle (Click Here to Download Word Doc).

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